Global Nursing and Midwifery Revolution : the basics and the outcomes
Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024)
This special issue of Global Nursing and Midwifery Revolution focuses on the fundamental principles and essential practices that underpin exceptional patient care. 'the basics and the outcomes' emphasizes the importance of mastering the foundational skills and knowledge that form the backbone of nursing and midwifery.
Nursing and Midwifery Education and Practice
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)
Nursing and Midwifery Education is the bedrock of health sector of every Country.
This encompasses Policy initiatives, training human resource as well as managing human resource relative to Nursing and Midwifery.
Healthcare Systems and Patient Safety
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024)
Healthcare systems and Patient Safety encompasses framework of organized activities that creates cultures, processes, procedures, behaviours, technologies and environments in health care that consistently and sustainably lower risks, reduce the occurrence of avoidable harm, make error less likely and reduce its impact when it does occur.