GJNMID is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and ethics in research publication. Plagiarism is a serious violation of academic integrity and undermines the trust in scholarly communication. This policy outlines the procedures and actions taken by GJNMID to detect and address plagiarism.

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism involves the use of another person's work, ideas, or expressions without proper acknowledgment or permission, presenting them as one's own. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Direct copying of text from a source without quotation marks and proper citation.
  • Paraphrasing someone else's work without proper acknowledgment.
  • Using ideas, data, or methods from other sources without credit.
  • Self-plagiarism, or reusing significant parts of one's own previously published work without citing the original publication.

Detection of Plagiarism

  1. Initial Screening

    • All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial screening for plagiarism using reliable and advanced plagiarism detection software.
    • Manuscripts found to have high similarity scores are flagged for further review by the editorial team.
  2. Editorial Review

    • The editorial team carefully examines flagged manuscripts to determine the extent and nature of the similarities.
    • Contextual checks are performed to distinguish between legitimate citation and improper copying.

Handling Plagiarism

  1. Minor Overlaps

    • If minor overlaps (less than 10% of the content) are detected, the authors are contacted and asked to revise their manuscript with proper citations and paraphrasing.
    • The manuscript may proceed to peer review after satisfactory revisions are made.
  2. Moderate Plagiarism

    • If moderate plagiarism (10-25% of the content) is detected, the manuscript is returned to the authors for significant revision.
    • Authors are required to provide detailed explanations and corrections, ensuring proper citations and original writing.
    • The revised manuscript undergoes a second round of plagiarism checks before proceeding further.
  3. Severe Plagiarism

    • If severe plagiarism (more than 25% of the content) is detected, the manuscript is rejected outright.
    • The authors are informed of the reason for rejection and are advised on proper academic practices.
    • Severe cases may result in a ban on future submissions from the authors for a specified period.
  4. Published Papers

    • If plagiarism is detected in a published paper, an investigation is initiated immediately.
    • The paper may be retracted, and a retraction notice is published on the journal's website and communicated to indexing databases.
    • Authors involved in plagiarism may face sanctions, including a ban on future submissions and notification to their affiliated institutions.

Author Responsibilities

  • Authors must ensure that their work is original and properly cites the work of others.
  • Authors should avoid recycling their own previously published work without appropriate citation (self-plagiarism).
  • Authors are encouraged to use plagiarism detection tools to check their work before submission.

Editorial and Reviewer Responsibilities

  • The editorial team and reviewers are trained to recognize and address potential plagiarism.
  • Reviewers are expected to report any suspected plagiarism they encounter during the review process.

Appeals and Disputes

  • Authors have the right to appeal decisions related to plagiarism.
  • Appeals must be submitted in writing, providing detailed explanations and evidence.
  • An independent review committee will evaluate the appeal and make a final decision.

GJNMID is dedicated to upholding the integrity of academic publishing and appreciates the cooperation of authors, reviewers, and editors in maintaining these standards.