The Ghana Journal of Nursing and Midwifery (GJNMID) is dedicated to advancing the fields of nursing, midwifery, and health through the dissemination of high-quality, peer-reviewed research. Our journal serves as a premier platform for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share innovative findings, best practices, and critical analyses that drive the profession forward.


Nursing is the cornerstone of healthcare, playing a pivotal role in patient care, health promotion, and disease prevention. GJNMID welcomes contributions that explore all aspects of nursing, including but not limited to:

  • Clinical Nursing Practice: Studies on patient care strategies, clinical outcomes, and nursing interventions.
  • Nursing Education: Research on curriculum development, teaching methodologies, and the impact of educational programs on nursing competencies.
  • Nursing Management and Leadership: Analyses of management practices, leadership styles, and their effects on healthcare delivery and nursing staff.
  • Community Health Nursing: Investigations into public health initiatives, community-based care, and health education programs.
  • Nursing Ethics and Legal Issues: Discussions on ethical dilemmas, legal challenges, and policy implications in nursing practice.


Midwifery is integral to maternal and neonatal health, encompassing the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. GJNMID seeks to publish research that enhances midwifery practice and outcomes, including:

  • Prenatal and Antenatal Care: Studies on prenatal screening, antenatal care protocols, and maternal health behaviors.
  • Labor and Delivery: Research on labor management, delivery techniques, and outcomes for mother and child.
  • Postpartum Care: Analyses of postpartum recovery, breastfeeding support, and maternal mental health.
  • Midwifery Education and Training: Innovations in midwifery training programs, continuing education, and professional development.
  • Global Midwifery Practices: Comparative studies of midwifery practices across different cultures and healthcare systems.


Health is a broad domain encompassing physical, mental, and social well-being. GJNMID aims to address a wide range of health-related topics, including:

  • Public Health and Epidemiology: Research on disease prevention, health promotion, and epidemiological studies of health trends.
  • Health Policy and Systems: Evaluations of health policies, healthcare systems, and their impact on population health.
  • Mental Health: Studies on mental health disorders, treatment approaches, and mental health promotion.
  • Health Technology and Innovation: Investigations into the use of technology in healthcare, telehealth, and innovative health interventions.
  • Global Health: Research on health issues that transcend national boundaries, focusing on global health challenges and solutions.

Interdisciplinary Research

GJNMID recognizes the importance of interdisciplinary research that bridges nursing, midwifery, and health. We encourage submissions that:

  • Integrate Multiple Disciplines: Studies that combine nursing, midwifery, and other health sciences to address complex health issues.
  • Collaborative Approaches: Research involving collaborations between healthcare professionals, policymakers, and communities.
  • Innovative Solutions: Explorations of new methodologies, technologies, and practices that improve health outcomes and healthcare delivery.

The Ghana Journal of Nursing and Midwifery (GJNMID) is committed to fostering a comprehensive understanding of nursing, midwifery, and health. By providing a platform for high-quality research, we aim to contribute to the improvement of healthcare practices and policies worldwide. We invite researchers, practitioners, and educators to submit their work and join us in our mission to advance these vital fields.