The Journal template can be downloaded here.

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts to this journal for consideration. All submissions will undergo an editorial assessment to determine their suitability for publication, followed by peer review to ensure scholarly rigor and quality.

Note:  Authorship - Number of authors on a paper should not exceed 3.

Submission Process

  1. Editorial Assessment:

    • Upon submission, manuscripts will be assessed by an editor to determine alignment with the aims and scope of GJNMID. Submissions deemed appropriate will proceed to peer review.
  2. Peer Review:

    • Accepted submissions will undergo rigorous peer review by experts in the field to evaluate the quality, significance, and originality of the research.

Before Submission

  1. Permission to Publish:

    • Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included with the submission, such as photos, documents, and datasets. All authors listed on the submission must consent to be identified as authors.
  2. Ethical Considerations:

    • Ensure that research conducted meets ethical standards and is approved by an appropriate ethics committee, as required by the study's country.
  3. Quality Standards:

    • Editors may desk reject submissions that do not meet minimum standards of quality. Prior to submission, ensure that the study design and research argument are structured and articulated properly.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure that it meets the following requirements:

  1. Adherence to Guidelines:

    • Confirm that your submission meets the requirements outlined in the GJNMID Author Guidelines.
  2. Originality and Prior Publication:

    • Confirm that the submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration for publication in another journal.
  3. Accuracy and Completeness of References:

    • Check that all references cited in the manuscript are accurate and complete.
  4. Numbering and Labeling:

    • Ensure that all tables and figures included in the manuscript are properly numbered and labeled for clarity.
  5. Permission for Supplementary Material:

    • Obtain permission to publish all supplementary material provided with the submission, including photos, datasets, and other material.

By adhering to these guidelines and checklist items, authors can help facilitate a smooth submission process and ensure the quality and integrity of published research in GJNMID.